Research just turned up has indicated
Emily certainly knew her baseball,
and were she alive today,
this New Englander would be a Red Sox fan.
To wit:
“Hope is the thing with feathers.”
Obviously, she is talking about spring training,
where every team in a potential pennant contender.
“People need hard times…to develop psychic muscles.”
Manager says I know last year was rough.
“If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain.”
Manager says that this year will be better.
“Luck is not chance; it’s toil.”
Manager says we’ll work hard, give 110% every game.
“Saying nothing sometimes says the most.”
Manager says he’s through talking,
will let his players just play ball.
So, in the springtime of our hopes,
dear Emily, say a prayer for our team,
our poor, woebegone, but beloved team.