A baseball game cannot be everything alive on the
field, in the stadium. It houses so much more. There are
The weddings that take place on a pure white home plate;
Dream-like movie fantasies that quench a joyful thirst;
Days when eager parents and attentive summer counselors
Bring excited, enchanted youngsters to watch field magic they
Never will forget; autographs kids leaning over railings are
Rewarded with by players who remember being kids;
Anthems sung by guest vocalists with dreams and tingling hands;
Rhythmic flag presentations by protective folks in uniform;
Snacks eaten with that special baseball flavor swirling in the mouth;
Human contact spoken and unspoken among friends, families, lovers
In the stands; spontaneous fan-waves undulating, dancing in the air
And casting spells that unify the faithful; a call-out to nostalgia as
Players from the past receive their annual salute and recognition.
The game is far from everything but what it is
Is that special thing that is the soul
Which brings to life societies which treasure
Dreams that add such wealth to Life
That we are all the wealthier for Loving it
So much.