Baseball is a never-ending book of stories.
Chapter after chapter, season after season,
The work of love adds another fine collection of
Individual tales waiting for the climax and the
Conclusion (and then the after-word). This
One watched his daddy grow and work
The dusty coal mines of Oklahoma, while he built
Strength and waited for an early death; another
Grew up in the city and knew the playgrounds
Near his neighborhood and learned to become
Oblivious to big-time pressure; still another played
In a suburban Little League before his parents’
Watchful, hopeful eyes, and won a trophy. Then
There’s the one who came of age in Japan or in
Korea and had to leave his culture full of comfort
Far behind and adapt to a new language and a new
Set of rules and customs, as did his teammate
And opponents from Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico.
These and more are details in the tales that develop into
Chapters waiting to be read or reviewed by the fans who
Cannot wait until the temporary ending and the next
Installment. It has become a truly epic story of
Human beings meeting challenges and obstacles,
Seeking to fulfill their hero’s journey and bring
Home the crown. Each chapter ends and the
Audience desires more. The book is epic in
Proportions, full of developing characters and
Varying locations and conflict and but a temporary
Resolution; it can fill a library all by itself, this book,
But where does the collector place a never-ending
Novel with a cast of thousands and as many
Story-lines as there are human beings to play roles
Made just for them?
This is a volume for the ages, and the sages know
That it is worth the wait, and so they cannot help
Themselves, these fans of marvelous adventures.
On they read as read they must.