Ya’ know, I’m sick of it.
Just sick, all that crap about Cobb.
Cobb this. Cobb that. Today
we’re gonna see! Right today. Right
here in our brand, spankin’ new
Forbes Field Baseball Park.
Right in Pittsburgh.
Bonus Wagner – the Flyin’ Dutchman–
He’s my man and I’m willing to put my money
where my mouth is.
We’ll see about Cobb: who’s best. Who has the top team.
Ty Cobb!
Wagner’s gonn’a spank him. Cobb and his Deeetroit Tagers
will look like a can of corn; corn
on the cobb after a mill hunky picnic on South Side.
Hey, Hi, Fred. Sure,
throw it here. It looks okay.
Wait a minute,
you, you say you want me to pitch?
But, Coach Clarke, this is the ’09 Series and Jim Watts
is slated to hurl,
I thought.