If three-fingers Brown throws a yakker to Sweetbreads Bailey
will Captain Hook plead for a Lawrence Welk?
Jumping Joe and Shufflin’ Phil ride the pine pony
and Boom Boom Beck sits in the hole
while Jittery Joe prays for dying quails
because there is no room at the inn and
Half Pint Rye has the best stank eye in
The Show.
Motormouth Blair yells at Blind Tom who calls
balls and cement mixers which
Oil Can throws for Baltimore chops.
Can Pig Pen Dwyer dial eight and can Mother Watson make a
good leading lady?
Only if Uncle Charlie flies by Gettysburg Eddie
and no one makes a Merkle boner.
The Dead Milkman is listening to chin music
and it is time for Preacher Rowe to convert
Kickapoo Ed who is
out of