Welcome to
The One-Minute Baseball Announcer School
Know these sayings and go get a job.
It’s a beautiful day for baseball.
Baseball is won between the lines.
He took something off that pitch.
He’s trying to pitch out of a jam.
He’s getting shelled.
He hasn’t been getting the run support.
He’s in a slump and he’s pressing.
There’s the insurance run.
They have to manufacture some runs.
He was swinging for the fence.
He chased a bad pitch.
Here’s the payoff pitch.
He was on his horse to catch that one.
The tying run is at the plate.
He’s a tough out.
He’s a contact hitter.
He hit a towering line drive.
In any other ballpark, that’s a homerun.
Touch ’em all!
Kiss that one goodbye — it’s outta here!