I could recite the numbers . . .the career
Stolen bases, the lead-off home runs, the
Times he led his team to post-season play,
The number of years played at the highest
Level, the honors . . . but numbers are a
Frigid way to view the player of passion
Who was Rickey Henderson. Better to flame
The memory of the man so many recall so
Fondly. Rickey was the spirit of the game
Personified, a mixture of skill, respect,
Enthusiasm and love – – – a brew that made
Him the perfect teammate. On every team
He led, he set the tone for a contagiously
Winning mentality – – – and won the hearts
Of his followers with his undefeatable spirit.
His arms pounded the ball and his legs
Propelled him from base to base like no
Other before or since. The Ages will declare
With potent emphasis worthy of the gods of
Sports that Rickey Henderson was THE
Baseball player to build a winning team
Around. RIP, RNH.