Gylene Hoyle, age 31, had been to the moon as often
As she had attended a Diamondbacks home game,
And she was no astronaut – – – but there she and
Her husband were, sitting in a pair of left field seats,
Because she had won tickets to the game played on
July 1, 1999 in The Grand Slam Sunday Promotion held
On Radio station KNIX and sponsored by Shamrock
Farms. She was already a winner but stood to gain
One million dollars to take home, and all she had to do
Was name an Arizona player who would hit a grand
Slam homer that game . . . and pick the inning that
The far-fetched master stroke would happen in. She
Wasn’t what one would call a pundit of the game but
She selected hitter Jay Bell to be her benefactor
Because she felt he was a solid hitter. Bell, up to
That sixth inning, had gone 0 for 12 in the series
But when, with two outs and the bases loaded, he
Stepped up to face Athletics’ pitcher Jimmy Haynes,
It was as though they were in the feel-good movie
Angels in the Outfield. And guess what (as our current
Chief Executive likes to whisper)? Bell slammed the
Ball into the left field stands – – – and pumped his
First rounding first, expressing happiness for Hoyle.
(Yes, he’d known the situation well; the radio station
And the Phoenix dairy company were not shy about
Publicity.) Gylene and her spouse were soon holding
Opposite ends of a literally very large million-dollar check.
Pitcher Haynes later smiled and was quoted as asking
For his share, the Hoyles used some of the money
To upgrade their home, Gylene later said that Bell had
Made their lives much easier by removing daily stress,
And hero-of-the-day Bell, years later as a minor league
Skipper, called the fated grand slam “the most amazing
Moment of my career.” There’s treasure in making people happy.