Movies about baseball are the blood that flows through
America’s circulatory system. They keep us healthy and
Alert, in tune with our national soul. Each one helps us
Transpose ourselves to a needed time and place, a sort of
Wonderland where dreams and fantasies come alive.
The Russians have their Cossacks; the British have their
Knights; the rough-and-tumble Yanks (those not from the
Bronx) have their cowboys; other nationalities have pirates
(Sorry, Pittsburgh), Vikings, even super-heroes, but the
True-blue Americans, the ones who cherish fair play and
Honest conflict, have the baseball movies that offer them
Escape wrapped in honesty. If you are just getting started
(in college, in a career, with a family), you’ll find wisdom in
The way the old pro minor leaguer Crash Davis plays Yoda
To the very green rookie pitcher Ebby Calvin Laloosh in
Bull Durham”. If, on the other hand, you are close to your
retirement, cherish the one final bit of pitching glory by the
Old pro in 1951’s “Angels in the Outfield” – assisted by some
Angels. If you like to swing (and not just at pitches), follow the
Exploits of the double-play combo in “Take Me Out to the
Ballgame”, and if you need some vicarious competition,
Follow Mick and Roger in “61*” but if your struggle is with
Yourself, watch Jimmy Piersall in “Fear Strikes Out”. Are
You a dreamer and dream-chaser? “Field of Dreams” will
Show you how to create a fantasy. Tempted to cheat? Learn
A lesson from “Eight Men Out”. Like facts and figures – – –
“Moneyball” is for you. Believe that it’s never too late?
“The Rookie” agrees with you. Need to overcome a major
Physical disability? See “The Stratton Story”. Need to
Deal with racism? Learn from Jackie in “42” — or watch
Jackie play himself in “The Jackie Robinson Story”. Need
To see what dignity is? View “The Pride of the Yankees”
And learn again to value Lou Gehrig’s character. If you’re
Just plain curious and want to see a future President play
Pitcher Grover Cleveland Alexander, who was a big winner,
Especially in the 1926 World Series for the Cards against
The Yankees despite his battles with epilepsy, watch
Ronald Reagan in “The Winning Team”. There are
So many more, but the point’s been made. There’s no
Need for extra innings. Watch a baseball film: education
On offense and entertainment on defense. Did you ever
Wonder why there are so many baseball movies? It’s in
The designation. Each one moves you; each one fills a
Need. Some hit singles and some smack home runs,
But they all involve you in the game of life.