As the long dog days of summer begin
Another pennant we’re trying to win
By walk off homer or suicide bunt
Doing what it takes to stay in the hunt
Some nights it’s with pitching, others by bat
Getting the win is the most vital stat
Whether out front or the one giving chase
All that matters is staying in the race
Playing through the minor aches and pains
Praying to avoid severe pulls or strains
One day in New York, then on to L.A.
Play a make-up game somewhere on the way
Field our hottest bats and least damaged arm
Until expansion brings help from the farm
Then we’ll try to go on one final run
Hoping we don’t fade like September sun
In the fall classic we’re fighting to get
While still in the hunt, we’re not a sure bet
With an all out effort from the whole team
We’ll get a shot at our season long dream
But to even get to the playoff fight
We first need to win in Houston tonight